Ecological Networks in the European Alps Map
The European Alps are home to a unique and rich biodiversity of species, which is increasingly impacted by habitat fragmentation through land use changes, urbanization and expansion of transport infrastructure. In this study, they were identified 50 key issues relating to the maintenance and restoration of an ecological continuum - the connection of ecological processes in many scales, including relationship processes and trophic disorders and hydro-ecological flows in European Alps. They initiated and implemented a scoping exercise trans-national priorities, inviting 48 institutions, including researchers, conservation professionals, NGOs, politicians and administrators of the Alpine region.
The exercise consisted of an initial call to relevant questions, a first online evaluation of incoming questions and a final discussion and selection process during a joint seminar. Participating institutions generated 484 initial questions, which were condensed to the top 50 questions for 16 workshop participants. Were suggested new approaches in dealing with the issue of an ecological continuum in the Alps by analyzing and classifying the characteristics of issues resulting from a non-prioritized way, as well as a visual conceptualization of the interdependencies between these questions. This priority setting exercise will support research institutions and funding to channel their skills and resources to the issues that need to be urgently addressed in order to facilitate significant progress in the conservation of biodiversity in the European Alps.
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