Sunday, 23 November 2014

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Map

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) is a joint Canada-US not-for-profit organization that seeks to preserve and maintain the wildlife, native plants, wilderness and natural processes of the mountainous region from Yellowstone National Park to the Yukon Territory. 

The region stretches over 3,200 kilometres from Yukon Territory in Canada to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem in Wyoming, covering over a million square kilometres. Until a century ago, pumas (also known as the cougar or mountain lion), grizzly bears, wolverines and wolves were present throughout most of the region. Today, mainly as a result of habitat destruction and hunting, they only exist as potentially viable populations in the small number of protected areas in the northern Rockies. Several aquatic indicator species are also threatened, such as the bull trout, the westslope cutthroat trout and several salmon stocks.

Four additional Priority Areas are located in the northern reaches of the Y2Y region; these were selected for their value as large, intact watersheds. Within these twelve Priority Areas, we are building and supporting collaborative initiatives amongst organizations, scientists, agencies, Aboriginal communities, land trusts, and progressive businesses to identify, resource, and implement on-the-ground actions to help achieve our conservation goals.

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative Info:

Sunday, 9 November 2014

National Ecological Network of the Republic of Moldova

National Ecological Network of the Republic of Moldova Map

Moldova has a well-established system of protected areas. However, these sites have historically been identifi ed on the basis of national conservation priorities. It was only with the ratifi cation of the Ramsar Convention in 1999 that for the first time international criteria were formally applied in delineating and managing valuable habitats. At the same time, Moldova’s endorsement of the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy in 1995 brought with it the commitment to contribute to the establishment of the Pan European Ecological Network.

The Ecological Network of Moldova presents a totality of natural habitats that are inter-connected physically (territorially) and functionally through populations of species and ecosystems, natural and historic landscapes, natural and cultural monuments, which inherently belong to landscapes. These include artificial landscapes and elements of special value for biodiversity protection, maintaining geo-systemic balance and for research and aesthetics. The Ecological Network presents an informational, co-coordinative, and legal mechanism to safeguard its physical components, the sovereignty of Moldova and State responsibilities in relation to national and international components of biological diversity.

National Ecological Network of the Republic of Moldova Info:

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

XIV Iberian Colloquium on Geography in Portugal

The Iberian Colloquium on Geography has formed over the last 13 editions, as a privileged place for the discussion of geographical problems between the Portuguese and Spanish researchers forum. 

In a context of continuing globalization and increase of scientific relations between researchers in the transatlantic space, it is essential to extend the scientifically oriented initiatives in order to promote the integration of an increasingly wide range of stakeholders, with the ultimate goal of developing the knowledge geographic in its various forms, projecting it in society, through an increasingly effective intervention. 

Thus, it is intended with this event together "at the same table" geographers not only the Iberian Peninsula, but also from countries in Africa and Latin America, with special emphasis on Lusophone and Hispanic. 

The themes proposed for the XIV Iberian Colloquium on Geography precisely reflect the breadth needed for wide open and the various problems that affect society in the Iberian world space and discussion.

Poster presentation of the dissertation: Spatial Modelling of Regional Ecological Networks: Contributions and Proposals for the North of Portugal


XIV Iberian Colloquium on Geography -