Monday, 29 September 2014

The Gondwana Link

The Gondwana Link Map

Australia is one of the world’s richest centres of biodiversity. For example, more endemic animal species can be found in Australia than in any other country. However, Australia’s fauna and flora are under grave threat. Over the past two centuries more native species have been lost than in any other single country.

Gondwana Link is a collaborative effort entering its eleventh year of achievement, an inspiring example of how a broad spectrum of local, regional and national groups can work together. With the support of Gondwana Link Ltd, these groups are:
  • restoring ecological connectivity across south-western Australia, from the dry woodlands of the interior to the tall wet forests of the far south-west corner;
  • protecting and restoring biodiverse bushland on an unprecedented scale; and 
  • building a living link that reaches eastward across the continent.

Estonian Green Network

Estonian Green Network Map

Estonia must be credited as the first country to develop the ecological network concept and to elaborate the model into a comprehensive plan and implementation programme. Today, despite the disruptions caused by the revolutionary changes of the early 1990s, plans for implementing the network at county level throughout Estonia are now vitually complete.

The Estonian approach to ecological networks - the ‘network of ecologically compensating areas’ – has been noted in several studies as being among the pioneering national concepts in Europe. A new term  for ecological network – ‘the green network’ – has recently entered into use in Estonia. The concept of  ecological networks in Estonia is principally embedded in the spatial planning system. However, it is  implemented through other sectors such as nature conservation, forestry, water management and  others. At county level, the green network is one sub-theme of county thematic planning. By the end  of 2007 each of the 15 counties of Estonia had to have prepared a map of ecological networks on a scale of 1: 50 000. 

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Development of the National Ecological Network in the Republic of Macedonia (MAK-NEN)


The development of the national ecological network in the Republic of Macedonia, as part of the Pan-European Ecological Network (PEEN) is an obligation of the Republic of Macedonia as one of the signatory countries of the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy (PEBLDS, 1996). The goal of this Strategy and PEEN, as a basic tool for implementation of the strategy, is to enable efficient implementation of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity at European level, namely provision of favourable conservation status of ecosystems, habitats, species and landscapes of European importance.

Spatial Modelling of Regional Ecological Networks: Contributions and Proposals for the North of Portugal

Ecological Network with the Human Pressure in North of Portugal

The Human development depends on global sustainable management and conservation of Earth's ecosystems. Ecosystems are complex open systems that include biological diversity in natural conditions, ecological processes and human. The industrialization, urban development, intensification of agriculture, transport, development of infrastructure led to fragmentation of natural areas that influence the life processes of ecosystems and a significant loss of biodiversity.

The ecological networks how includes, connects and relates physically and ecologically a number of areas ecosystems and even with elements and human heritage of recognized value. Networks allow transfers of mass and energy in this sense support the dynamic populations and allow migration and propagation of species. In this sense, it is important to realize the importance of the size and functioning of ecological networks on a regional scale and its relation to the strategic planning by identifying spaces that ensure interconnectivity of existing networks, and that may pose ecological corridors.

In pursuit of these objectives, we proceeded to develop a practical exercise based on a data platform of spatial data, to the proposal of an ecological network for the northern region of Portugal. While we considered the human pressure on a regional scale and potential conflict with respect to the proposal and the interest of continuity of ecological network.

The exercises and the results indicate specialization and decrease the multifunctionality of the territory and the difficulty of balancing the density of elements and human activity with environmental conservation.

This dissertation consists of the presentation of a methodology for the construction of an ecological network on a regional scale, which contributes to the protection, conservation and sustainable use of nature and biodiversity.

Mário Martins 

The Great European Mountain Corridor

European mountain corridor

The Great European Mountain Corridor aims to create a vast unbroken ecological corridor connecting Portugal, the Cantabrian Mountains, the Pyrenees and the Massif Central to the Alps, and possibly eventually, the Balkans, along which natural ecological processes are allowed to flow creating a landscape rich in biodiversity for the benefit of nature and humanity.

The initiative for this comes from the great corridor Territories Foundation and Landscapes Caixa Catalunya in 2005 she completed a comprehensive study, with support from French and Spanish organizations. Currently, the project is supported by Resolution No. 4061 IUCN "The great ecological connector: Cantabrian Mountains - Pyrenees - Massif Central - Western Alps", adopted by the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in 2008, and by the statement "Planes de son" end of the International Congress on ecological corridors mountain, with the support of the Council of Europe, and Eurosite Europarc and World Commission on Protected IUCN (thematic mountain) areas. The project would also create synergies with other European initiatives such as the Green Belt in Eastern Europe, which reaches the extreme south of the Carpathians.